Beetroot Risotto
'Rice is a great carbohydrate and should be incorporated into your diet,' say Alison Rose and Tony Guy, founders of the Luscious Low-fat café 'Where possible, mix brown rice with white to get more nutrients and add colour.'

5 beetroot, chopped
1 pepper, deseeded and roughly chopped
1 handful roughly chopped basil
3 medium carrots, chopped
500ml water
3 tbsp olive oil and water spray
1 onion, chopped
20 wild mushrooms
500g Arborio rice
750ml low-fat vegetable stock
300g peas
salt and freshly ground black pepper

1. Put the beetroot, pepper, basil and carrots into a pan, cover with water and simmer until the beetroot is cooked (10-15 minutes). Drain the water and set it to one side.
2. Heat the oil in a a heavy non-stick pan and saute the onions and mushrooms. Reduce to a low heat, add the rice and stir to stop the rice sticking and ensure that all the rice is covered with oil and onions.
3. Add 250ml of the stock and stir until it is absorbed. Add some of the set-aside water and more stock and simmer for 15 minutes.
4. Add the peas and simmer for a further 15 minutes. Season to taste.
Luscious serving suggestions : Sprinkle with fresh parsley and add a small amount of freshly grated Parmesan cheese.

Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 40 minutes
Serves: 4
Source: Alison Rose & Tony Guy |