In our modern, fast-paced world, safety and health are too often sacrificed in the name of haste. From toys to clothing to home repairs, we take short-cuts, and in so doing we cut out what is really important--quality. Quality of life cannot be measured simply in time-efficiency. There is also value in choosing the most beneficial methods. My grandmother used vinegar and water for window cleaner.
No harmful chemicals around babies, no toxins in the air. Just good ol' vinegar did the trick. The industry would have us think it easiest to buy whatever is offered in a bottle at the store, and so we sacrifice peace of mind for so-called convenience. Ironically, it takes less than a minute to mix equal parts white distilled vinegar and warm water in a spray bottle. It is equally as easy to buy organic foods from your grocery store. Buying organic is another way we bring quality into our homes while protecting the next generation from poisons carried by many commercially-grown products.
More stores than ever are carrying organic items. From pasta to produce, you can get your food grown without pesticides and harmful chemicals. There are no excuses for taking short-cuts with your children's health when you consider the benefits of eating organic. The size of children's bodies makes them more susceptible to harmful toxins found in commercially grown food.
Children have higher metabolisms and lower body weights and process these chemicals easily. Foods taken into our bodies during our early years contribute to the development our immune systems. Taking poor products into the body results in a poor immune system.
From conception until the age of one, children are at the greatest risk to the pesticides that have been found to bind to fat. Once these pesticides have been absorbed into the body, they can stay there forever. Exposure to pesticides has been linked to minor complaints such as headache, fatigue and nausea, as well as to more serious diseases such as cancer and neurological disorders.
One concern people have with buying organic is cost. However, the cost of buying organic can be off-set by the savings in health care expenses. The question is, how would you rather spend your money? Life is about choice. As Americans we voice our values in the way we spend our money.
That which matters most to us, we invest in. Invest in organic foods and invest in the future. There are countless benefits to eating organic. Organic produce is higher in nutrients, lower in nitrates, free of artificial additives, and it tastes better. Furthermore, organic farming is better for the environment--another way the organic lifestyle benefits our children's futures. It does not require great effort to make a change.
Start small, if that helps. Switching to a heath food stores is a great place to start. Whatever you can do to make a small change is a great place to start.
Francesca Black works in marketing at Organic Items and Pilates Shop leading portals for organic products and natural excercise.